Welcome to Random DADA A collection of ideas, images, text, animation, sound postcards and pixellation tossed together under the theme of 'Los Angeles the cross-cultural environmental experience'. Once you enter, to see the page change you could
1) reload the page by hitting the "reload" button on your browser
2)click on images or text that are links
3)do nothing and the page will reload after 2 minutes To get out of the random pages, please hit the "back" button on your browser at any time. Contributors
Gazzali Jaleel 
Rebecca Rogers
Vibeke Sorensen
Kathy Smith
Iana Velez
Text compiled from writings by Vibeke Sorensen, Mar Elepano, Gazzali Jaleel, Kathy Smith and Iana Velez. Also contains excerpts from the works of Khalil Gibran.
All jpeg images created and manipulated by Iana Velez
QuickTime movies from Expanded Animation Union Station assignment 1999
Sound postcards produced by MFA students in Contemporary Topics Fall 1998 and Fall 1999
GIF animations created by Gazzali Jaleel