(CLOSED) Call for Papers & Micro-Talks

The Society for Animation Studies (SAS) invites submissions for 20-minute conference presentations and/or 5-minute micro-talks* for its 25th Annual Conference, which will be held in Los Angeles, California at the School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California, June 23th - 27th, 2013.


*Micro-talk: a timed PowerPoint or Keynote presentation that can include images, clips, and text to communicate a Redefining Animation conference topic in a mere five minutes. There will be no Q&A period for the micro-talks. Micro-talks are based on Pecha Kucha, a Japanese game-like presentation format in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each.


Please include with your individual submission the following:

Late proposals and non-members of SAS at the time of submission will be given lower consideration. Papers not accepted for presentation will be considered for poster sessions during the conference. Poster sessions allow scholars to present their papers in print form and to respond to questions individually.