Kara Lynn Andersen, Brooklyn College, CUNY (USA) An Animated Future for 3-D, MT4 |
Anitha Balachandran, Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology (India) Divine redesign: animated ‘child gods’ and the Indian imagination, 4B |
Jaime Baron, University of Alberta (Canada) Animating the Historical Trace: Contemporary Experimental Animation, Found Materials, and Spatiotemporal Effects, 2B |
Geoffry Beatty, Philadelphia University (USA) Will There Be Blood?: Exploring Pain as Humor in 2D and 3D Animation, 5A |
Lisa Bode, University of Queensland (Australia) Close encounters of the animated kind: alien character design and facial performance in hybrid science fiction cinema, 1B |
Rose Bond, Pacific Northwest College of Art (USA) Poetics & Public Projection: Layered History – Redrawn Memory, 3A |
Amber Bowyer, University of Southern California (USA) The Things Cartoons Can Do: Toward A History of Instrumental Animation, 2C |
Cheryl Cabrera, (USA) The Animation Hall of Fame, MT1 |
Laura Cechanowicz, University of Southern California (USA) Projection Mapping as Defining a New Location for Animation, MT4 |
Lucy Childs, Bournemouth University (UK) Poetry in Motion, MT2 |
Clifford Cohen, (USA) Around the World in 3’s, MT1 |
Donald Crafton, University of Notre Dame (USA) Inside and Outside the Toon Body: Somatic Integrity Throughout Animation History, 5A |
Charles daCosta, Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) Cracking the frame: Oral Tradition as a reflection of non-cinematic animation in sub-Saharan West-Africa, 5C |
Susan Danta, University of New South Wales (Australia) Animation on the Move: Animated Journalism and Global Reporting, 2A |
Harvey Deneroff, Savannah College of Art and Design (USA) Rethinking the Metanarrative of Character Animation, 5A |
Victoria Deneroff, Georgia College & State University (USA) Rethinking the Metanarrative of Character Animation, 5A |
Nichola Dobson, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Dancing to rhythm of the music: Norman McLaren and the Performing Body, 6A |
Nea Ehrlich, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Real-Time Animation and Data Visualization: Re-Defining both Animation and the Animated Documentary, 3B |
Neslihan Emre Erten, University of Southern California (USA) A Dance With Technology, MT2 |
Steve Fore, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) The Adventures of Tom Tomiczky in the Realm of Machinic Vision and Bodily Engagement, 4C |
Michael Frierson, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA) Tim Hittle/Jay Clay: One Person Making Artwork as Authentically as Possible, 2C |
Maureen Furniss, California Institute of the Arts (USA) Direct Film Paradigms, MT2 |
Alla Gadassik, Northwestern University (USA) Acting Forwards and Backwards: Action Analysis and the Performance of Movement in Character Animation, 6A |
Juan Camilo Gonzalez, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) From Celluloid to Databases: Towards an Understanding of Internet Cinema and its Application to Digital Animation, 4C |
Eric Hanson, University of Southern California, (USA) Post-Digital: Innovation in Imaging and Visualization, 3B, Dome Screening |
Dustin Grella, (USA) Animation Hotline: Crowd-Sourced Micro Animations, MT2 |
Ruth Hayes, Evergreen State College (USA) Quantifying and Visualizing Animators’ Styles of Motion: an analytical and pedagogical tool, 3B |
Bella Honess Roe, University of Surrey (UK) Animation, Documentary and Architecture: Re-conceptualising space and time in American Homes, 6B |
Sarra Hornby, Loughborough University (UK) Helix: An illustration of an Animators animated brain recalling practice-based experiments, 5D |
Tze-yue G. Hu, (USA) Animating the Body and Anima Essence: Yang Liping, 6C |
Brian R. Jacobson, University of St Andrews (Scotland) Animating Oil’s Aquatic Architecture: To Animate, To Regulate, 6B |
Adriana Jaroszewicz, Loyola Marymount University (USA) Character Animation Redefined by Laban Movement Analysis, MT3 |
Timothy Jones, University of East Anglia (UK) Building Consensus: Architectural visualization and the integration of industrial design in Indian animation community, 6B |
Kristy Kang, University of Southern California (USA) Animation and the Art of Interface Design, MT3 |
M. Javad Khajavi, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) The Reflection of Loneliness: An exploration of the aesthetic possibilities of Augmented Reality for visual poetry, 1A |
John-Michael Kirkconnell, Savannah College of Art and Design (USA) Stylistic dissonance as a narrative tool in mixed media animation, 3A |
Ewan Kirkland, University of Brighton (UK) Silent Hill and Gothic Transnationality, 5B |
Tom Klein, Loyola Marymount University (USA) Animating the Future: Collaboration and Storytelling, 3C |
Virginia Kuhn, University of Southern California (USA) Accuracy and Affect: Animation in Documentary Film, MT3 |
Timo Linsenmaier, (Belgium) The Dissident's Kitchen 2.0, MT1 |
Alison Reiko Loader, Concordia University (Canada) Re-Animating Moths, 2B |
Anna Madeleine, University of New South Wales (Australia) An Animated Space: Personal Expression in Mobile Communication, 1C |
Tanya Marriott , Massey University (New Zealand) TweetMe interactive forest, 3B |
Mihaela Mihailova, Yale University (USA) Click for Cartoons: The Video Game as Exhibition Space for Animation, 1B |
Sophie Mobbs, Middlesex University (UK) The Evocation and Expression of Emotion through Documentary Animation, 1B |
Aimee Mollaghan, Huston School of Film and Digital Media (Ireland) Documenting the Soul: Jordan Belson’s Samadhi, 6C |
Maureen Monaghan, Savannah College of Art and Design (USA) Memories and Perceptions:Creating Emotional Resonance Using the Child’s Gaze, 6C |
Russell Murray, Nottingham Trent University (UK) Sound and Meaning in Animation: New Digital Worlds, 5C |
Susan Ohmer, University of Notre Dame (USA) Mass-Production and High Art: Disney and the Courvoisier Gallery c. 1940, 3C |
Miguel Olid, University of Seville (Spain) The Animation In The Spanish Documentary: 30 Years Of Darkness, 4B |
Ann Owen, Falmouth University (UK) Opening the Magic Box: A Neurocinematic perspective on the form and content of stereoscopic film, 4A |
Chris Pallant, Canterbury Christ Church University (UK) Redefining the Animated Landscape, 1A |
Dallim Park, Chung-ang University (Korea) Optical Illusions in Animation, MT4 |
Mike Patterson, University of Southern California (USA) New Frontiers In Visual Music, 3A |
Steisha Pintado, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA) Remediated Optical Toys and the Animated GIF, 1C |
Hannes Rall, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) Adaptation of Literature for Animation in a Transcultural Context, 3C |
Amy Ratelle, Ryerson University (Canada) From Lydia Deetz to Ruby Gloom: Gothic Animated Bodies, 5B |
Caress Reeves, University of Southern California (USA) Animation as Political Radicalism: Black Animators in the Field, 2A |
Diana Reichenbach, (USA) Immersive Space as a Channel for Communication, DT, Dome Screening |
Kahra Scott-James, University of Melbourne (Australia) DIY Viral Animation, MT4 |
Jane Shadbolt, University of Newcastle (Australia) The Visual Qualities of Impossible Spaces - Metalepsis in animation installation, 1A |
Erin Shea, University of Southern California (USA) Animating time, consciousness, and death: comparing Jordan Belson’s films and Michèle Lemieux's Here and the Great Elsewhere, 2B |
Richard Stamp, Bath Spa University (UK) The philosophy of a ‘gadgeteer’:John Whitney’s early computer animation as media archaeology, 1C |
Trixy Sweetvittles, University of Southern California (USA) Bicycles, Video and Mobility in Modern Optical Toys, 1C |
Tony Tarantini, Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Canada) "The Animator": A Web-based Initiative, MT4 |
Amanda Tasse, University of Southern California (USA) Data Landscapes:Animated worlds as data-visualization, emotional cartography, and self-reflection, 5D |
Kirsten Thompson, Victoria University (New Zealand) Colorful Cartography and the Empire State Thermometer, MT2 |
Lynn Tomlinson, Delaware College of Art and Design (USA) Performance Animation: Rose, Mateyek, and Hall, 6A |
Dan Torre, RMIT (Australia) The Metamorphosis of Place:Some Theoretical Considerations of Projection Mapped Animation, 3A |
Tunde Vollenbroek, Utrecht School of the Arts (Netherlands) Pushing the Background to the Front: Exploring different roles of mise-en-scene in animation, 1A |
Clea T. Waite, University of Southern California (USA) The Cine-Poetics of Fulldome Cinema, DT, Dome Screening |
Paul Ward, Arts University Bournemouth (UK) Paratexts and participation: the off-screen world of dirtgirlworld, 1B |
Steve Weymouth , University of New South Wales (Australia) Principles of Animation and the Neuroscience of Motion Perception: Introducing students to Character Animation, 5D |
William Whittington, University of Southern California, (USA) The Sonic Playpen: Sound Design and Technology in Pixar’s Animated Shorts, 5C |
Holly Willis, University of Southern California (USA) Speculative Spaces: The Animated Worlds of Marco Brambilla, 4A |
Dan Wilson, University of Southern California (USA) Simple and Effective: Breaking the Mold for CG Characters, 2C |
Elizabeth Yaros, Waldorf College (USA) YouTube Search: “Gay Marriage Animation”, MT1 |